Sandi's Creative Escape
July 16, 2019
Never have enough crafting time....come to Sandi's Creative Escape #7. Twelve hours of creating fun while being pampered with food, gifts, door prizes and more...all day long. Here's what and Escape looks like...
The #6 event is July 7th and it is sold out...the ladies attending this event have first dibs on the Escape #7 on April 4th, 2020--however, we usually have spaces open at the end of the day. This is where registering for the Wait List comes in--first on the wait list gets first chance at open spaces. Wait List Reservations are now being taken, first come first reserved for spaces unclaimed by July 20th Attendees---Call 410 836 8016 or email: [email protected]
Here are some comments from past attendees:
"Sign up early on the Waiting List for a really productive time" (Barb Howe)
"This is my Happy Place" (Jackie Silvestri)
"Sandi's escapes are great fun! I wouldn't miss one! (Diane Rapiey)
"All day, uninterrupted card-making with lots of prizes, surprises, inspired cards to stimulate creativity, wonder happy ladies." (Anne Leland)
Here are the specifics:
Location: Ramada Conference Center, 1700 Van Bibber Rd, Edgewood, MD 21040 (410-679-0770)
12 Super Creative Hours–Bring your projects & create to your heart’s on greeting cards, memory-keeping pages, gift items--whatever makes you happy!
Provided for you: your own 6' table/chair, special surprise gifts, commemorative bag with approx $40 Stampin’Up! product, light lunch, hot dinner, dessert event, snacks and water/coffee/tea all day, door prizes, 2 Free Make & Takes, Bingo (4 games), and raffle.
*Optional add ons – stamping class, shoebox swap, white elephant event. (These events will be defined closer to event time and you'll have an opportunity to decide if you want to participate and get the specifics)
Attendees of #6 Escape July 20th have first registration rights. However, Wait List Reservations are now being taken, first come first reserved for spaces unclaimed by July 20th Attendees---Call 410 836 8016 or email: [email protected]
Confirmed Reservations for the April 4th event are made only with payment of fee.
Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE (note: if you need to cancel we will assist to hook you up with someone to take your reservation or you may reap all the goodies of the day and hold your spot for the next event.)
Registration fee through July 20th: $115
July 21st Until filled: $125
Note: For overnight stays, if you indicate you are with Sandi’s Creative Escape, single/double room $75 (free breakfast 6:30-9:30AM)
Nearby restaurants in walking distance: Waffle House, Denny’s, Burger King; other restaurants driveable within 5-10 minutes. Bel Air, Maryland is a 10-15 minute drive.
Wait List Reservations are now being taken, first come first reserved for spaces unclaimed by July 20th Attendees---Call 410 836 8016 or email: [email protected]