Permanent Glitter Stick
DIY - Quick, Easy Mother's Day Card

Awesome New Colors!

Have you ever been in the middle of a project and couldn't find just the right color of ink to color a flower or some other image? Or wanted a shade in between 2 colors you are using? That just happened to me the other day and I thought, why not invent my own color. So that's what I did using the Stampin'Up! Ink Refills. I was looking for a pretty purple with a bit of red and about a medium shade.

Here's what I did:

  1. Since I wanted a medium shade--I went to the Bold  & Subtle color families. Now remembering back to my elementary grades when we experimented mixing colors...I remember that red and blue = purple. So I selected Melan Mambo and Marina Mist ink refills.
  2. Using a clear block I mixed an equal number of drops  of Melan and Marina.  Note: working in a clear block keeps the ink in one puddle and avoids wasting ink.
  3. I used an Aquapainter and tried it out on a piece of white cardstock! AWESOME!!!
    Here's a sample of what I started with (one each end) and what I ended up with (in the middle)4-29-16 Mixing colors
  4. In case I want this color again, I used a piece of white cardstock and "painted" the beginning 2 colors and the resulting colors and noted that I used equal amounts. Be sure to write the name of the ink refills that you use above the painted area.
    Note: if you wanted the color to be bluer--then try adding another drop of blue--keep track of the drops that you use so you can repeat it if you need additional ink or want it again for a future project.

Below is a color chart with overlapping colors that you can use to guide you when you are mixing colors to achieve just the right shade that you need.

4-29-16 Mixing colors fb

Let me know when you try this out and what colors you used and what color resulted! Leave me a comment.

Here are the supplies I used--order them now using the Shop Now button from my store:
