Stampin'Up! Trip to Hawaii
Stampin'Up! New Catalog Debut!

Free Stamp Set & Free Class

FREE image


Free Stamp Set and Free Class....does it get any better than that?

Answer: No!

Would you like to cash in on this great deal?

It's really easy and you need to act fast while the offer is in effect!

You must reserve your event date by June 7th

That's only 16 DAYS away!

Your events must fall between 7/1 and 9/27


At your event you will receive:

*50% off any stamp set with 8 guests attending


FREE (any) stamp set with 12 guests attending


FREE stamp set + FREE Class w 14 guests attending

 The new catalog will be out with hundreds of new stamp sets for you to select from!!

Schedule your date NOW while open dates are at their best!!!

Click on Schedule of Events (tab above) to see what's available to you

Call 410 836 8016 or emal: [email protected]

(Note: guests must attend event)

