Butterfly Framelits & Bundles - Back!!!
April 12, 2015

Had a fabulous stamping day with one of my grands and two of her friends--these young ladies are eleven and are really progressing well in their stamping abilities. A fourth friend (Kayla) was ill and couldn't make it to the event, so their second project was to create get well cards for her.
Here are the stampers--my granddaughter Olivia and her friends Skylar and Kaityn
This was their first project--a postit note holder--I think they did an awesome job!
This was an envelope decoration--which is one of my favorite things to get in the mail--I love receiving hand made cards, but a decorated envelope takes it to the next level for me.
Their last project was to make Mother's Day cards.....which I cannot show here because....they are a secret!
Do you have daughters, granddaughters, nieces, or "adopted" daughters.....schedule a stamping event for them...Call me now 410 836 8016 or email sandihartka@sandilovesstamping and schedule an event for them! Who knows...you may receive one of their creations!